
April 3 and 4, 2025 • São Paulo, Brazil

Join one of our workshops taking place on April 2nd!

Join one of our workshops happening on April 2nd!

Meet our speakers

Meet our speakers!

We're thrilled and proud to announce our amazing lineup! Get ready for inspiring discussions and stories!


Check out the complete schedule, and for more details on each lecture, click on the speaker's photo!

03/April | First day

08:30h - 09:45h

Registration + Welcome Coffee ☕️

09:45h - 10:00h


10:00h - 10:50h

Keynote: Startup on Rails

Irina Nazarova

11:00h - 11:30h

Scaling Rails: The Journey to 200M Notifications

Gustavo Araújo

11:40h - 12:10h

Scaling RubyVideo.dev: The mission to index all Ruby conferences

Marco Roth

12:15h - 14:00h

Lunch 🍛

14:00h - 14:50h

Keynote - Vinícius Stock

15:00h - 15:30h

Hotwire meets The Platform™: a new way to build PWAs relying on native HTML APIs

Edigleysson Silva

15:40h - 16:10h

The Great Mobile Hack: Hotwire Native

Daniel Medina

16:10h - 16:50h

Coffee Break ☕️

16:50h - 17:20h

From React to Hotwire, the right path

Jackson Pires

17:30h - 18:00h

Defying Front-End Inertia: Inertia.js on Rails

Svyatoslav Kryukov

18:10h - 19:00h

Keynote - The Ruby in Zeitwerk

Xavier Noria

19:00h - 19:15h


April 4th | Second day

09:00h - 09:45h

Networking + Welcome Coffee ☕️

09:45h - 10:00h


10:00h - 10:50h

Keynote - Chris Oliver

11:00h - 11:30h

Don't rewrite your framework

Vinícius Alonso

11:40h - 12:10h

Full Circle: How Modern Ruby Powers the Re-integration of High-Speed Microservices into Rails

Cristian Planas

12:15h - 14:00h

Lunch 🍛

14:00h - 14:50h

Apache Pinot: A Tale of an Active Record Adapter

Celso Fernandes

14:40h - 15:10h

Kamal 2 – Get Out of Cloud

Igor Aleksandrov

15:20h - 15:50h

Ruby Internals: A Guide for Rails Developers

Matheus Richard

15:50h - 16:30h

Coffee Break ☕️

16:30h - 17:00h

Resilient Jobs and Chaotic Tests

Stephen Margheim

17:30h - 18:00h

AI has already changed software development

Radamés Roriz

18:10h - 19:00h

Keynote - Rosa Gutiérrez

19:00h - 19:15h



Check out the complete schedule, and for more details on each lecture, click on the speaker's photo!

03/April | First day

Registration + Welcome Coffee ☕️

08:30h - 09:45h


09:45h - 10:00h

Keynote - Irina Nazarova

10:00h - 10:50h

Scaling Rails: The Journey to 200M Notifications

11:00h - 11:30h

Gustavo Araújo

Scaling RubyVideo.dev: The mission to index all Ruby conferences

11:40h - 12:10h

Marco Roth

Lunch 🍛

12:15h - 14:00h

Keynote - Vinícius Stock

14:00h - 14:50h

Hotwire meets The Platform™: a new way to build PWAs relying on native HTML APIs

15:00h - 15:30h

Edigleysson Silva

The Great Mobile Hack: Hotwire Native

15:40h - 16:10h

Daniel Medina

Coffee Break ☕️

16:10h - 16:50h

From React to Hotwire, the right path

16:50h - 17:20h

Jackson Pires

Defying Front-End Inertia: Inertia.js on Rails

17:30h - 18:00h

Svyatoslav Kryukov

Keynote - Xavier Noria

18:10h - 19:00h


19:00h - 19:15h

April 4th | Second day

Networking + Welcome Coffee ☕️

09:00h - 09:45h


09:45h - 10:00h

Keynote - Chris Oliver

10:00h - 10:50h

Don't rewrite your framework

11:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Vinícius Alonso

Full Circle: How Modern Ruby Powers the Re-integration of High-Speed Microservices into Rails

11:40h - 12:10h

Cristian Planas

Lunch 🍛

12:15h - 14:00h

Apache Pinot: A Tale of an Active Record Adapter

14:00h - 14:50h

Celso Fernandes

Kamal 2, get out of the cloud!

14:40h - 15:10h

Igor Aleksandrov

Ruby Internals: A Guide for Rails Developers

15:20h - 15:50h

Matheus Richard

Coffee Break ☕️

15:50h - 16:30h

Resilient Jobs and Chaotic Tests

16:30h - 17:00h

Stephen Margheim

AI has already changed software development

17:30h - 18:00h

Radamés Roriz

Keynote - Rosa Gutiérrez

6:10 PM - 7:00 PM


19:00h - 19:15h

The event

Tropical is now called Tropical on Rails!

Total focus on Rails! Two days of high-level content, international speakers, and networking with programmers, companies, and developers from all over Latin America and the world! 🚀🔥





happy hour


About the place

The Tropical On Rails 2025 will take place at the Auditorium of Pullman / Grand Mercure, Vila Olímpia - São Paulo, a modern and strategic space for an immersive experience with the community.

📍 R. Olimpíadas, 205 - Vila Olímpia, São Paulo - SP, 04551-000


Let's celebrate together!

On the day 04/04, right after the conference, there will be an official Happy Hour of Tropical, offered by Shopify! It will be at Saul Beach Bar, right in front of the event, and those who are participants of Tropical have free entry! There will be live sertanejo, DJ, and beach tennis courts available! 🍻🎶🎾

📍 Saul Beach Bar - R. Ramos Batista, 490 - Vila Olímpia, São Paulo - SP



Check out what the 2024 attendees had to say about the event:

"Incredible talks and amazing to see the old/new friends... What about the beach ruby vibe in the middle of São Paulo city?!"

"Incredible talks and amazing to see the old/new friends... What about the beach ruby vibe in the middle of São Paulo city?!"

Celso Fernandes

Celso Fernandes



"Lots of great developers and companies building solid products that have stood the test of time. New people learning Ruby every day. And Brazil has a beautiful Ruby on Rails community!"

"Lots of great developers and companies building solid products that have stood the test of time. New people learning Ruby every day. And Brazil has a beautiful Ruby on Rails community!"

Josias Schneider

Josias Schneider



"Inspiring talks, palm tree networking - thanks to the organizers for this creative gem. The biggest win? Getting closer to this amazing community #TropicalRB!"

"Inspiring talks, palm tree networking - thanks to the organizers for this creative gem. The biggest win? Getting closer to this amazing community #TropicalRB!"

Ana Felizatti

Ana Felizatti




The Tropical On Rails is organized by enthusiasts of Ruby on Rails who are committed to strengthening the community and promoting the language 😎🌴


Frequently Asked Questions

When and where will the next event be?

The Tropical on Rails 2025 will take place on April 3rd and 4th, at the Pullman Vila Olímpia - São Paulo/Brazil.

When will I be able to buy tickets?

Tickets for Tropical on Rails 2025 are sold out.

How do I become a speaker?

The C4P has closed. Stay tuned on social media for more information about the speakers.

How do I become a sponsor?

Contact us at info@tropicalonrails.com.
See how the 2024 edition went.












Tropical on Rails 2024. All rights reserved.

Tropical on Rails 2024. All rights reserved.

Tropical on Rails 2024. All rights reserved.


The Tropical On Rails was designed by enthusiasts of Ruby on Rails, and we are committed to strengthening the community and promoting the language. 😎🌴